Monday, April 26, 2010


Eye draws.
Eyes draw me into your line of view,
your lens sight where I see you clearly
or as clearly as can be
between the wishes of hand and eye
and another blank page flaring white at noon
in the sun
over Phillips square.

Page as pale as the whitest hijab
I've ever seen, strolled by me,
and a woman all in blue beneath.
Electric blue silk,
and the river rises from below
to swallow the square and the ankles of all who stand
or sit on the edge with our legs dangling
in the lake we haven't noticed
rising slowly, lapping steady
north of every old high water mark
of floods from seasons past.
The waters rise. On every back, on every collar
blue is cool against our skins, and even higher,
when your mouth is open wider.
Let it in. Open wider,
and let the river in.

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